Support capacity-building efforts to combat and prevent the crime of trafficking in human beings through enhancing the skills of LEAs, prosecutorial offices, labour inspectorates, financial investigation units, NGOs and social service providers in the investigation and prosecution of people involved in trafficking.
Trafficking is not only a serious violation of human rights but also a social and security issue at the same time. Achiving an effective and efficient multi-stakeholder engagement between various public authorities, the private sector and civil society organisations on the one side as well as strengthening the cross-border and transnational collaboration between law enforcement agencies remain important challenges to be addressed by the European Union Member States.
There are more than 40.3 million victims of human trafficking globally.
The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated factors that fuel human trafficking such as poverty, unemployment and gender-based violence
ERADICATING is a 24-month multi-country initiative designed to increase the capacity of LEAs and service providers with regards to prevention and early identification mechanisms in place, putting the focus on trafficking for purposes of both sexual and labour exploitation. In the long term, the initiative aspires to eradicate the established and dangerous culture of impunity that persists and contributes to the thriving of the trafficking industry.
Composed of 1 RTO, 3 LEAs and 3 NGOs from Greece, Germany, and Bulgaria
and adopting a human rights-based and gender-sensitive approach,
Strengthen cross-border joint ventures within the EU, between LEAs and other competent authorities and facilitate the exchange of information between them and other relevant EU bodies as well as with third countries and international organisations.
Raise awareness on trafficking among the public in order to increase prevention and identification mechanisms and stop the culture of impunity.