Trafficking is not only a serious violation of human rights but also a social and security issue at the same time. Achieving an effective and efficient multi-stakeholder engagement between various public authorities, the private sector and civil society organisations on the one side as well as strengthening the cross-border and transnational collaboration between law enforcement agencies remain important challenges to be addressed by the European Union Member States.


The third edition of the ERADICATING newsletter highlights challenges…

Newsletter, Issue II, June 2023

This is the second edition of our newsletter, "Prevention and…

Newsletter, Issue I, October 2022

The first edition of the newsletter highlights the critical issue…

Third report on the progress made in the fight against trafficking in human beings

The European Commission published its Third report on the progress…

EU Strategy on Combatting Trafficking in Human Beings (2021-2025)

On 14 April 2021, the Commission adopted a new EU Strategy on…

ERADICATING project launches in Greece, Germany and Bulgaria in the beginning of 2022

The project will contribute to the implementation of the Directive…

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