Report on Use Case Scenarios
Trafficking in human beings as well as child sexual exploitation are not only severe violations of human rights but at the same time social and security issues of constant and unbroken relevance, within the European Union as well as beyond its borders. As a result, achieving an effective and efficient multi-stakeholder engagement between various public authorities, the private sector and civil society organisations on the one side as well as strengthening the cross-border and transnational collaboration between law enforcement agencies are challenges of paramount importance to be addressed.
This report provides a total of 8 use case scenarios in the field. These use case scenarios present the current landscape situation around these issues and underline main challenges, gaps, and novel areas, while beyond that additionally focusing on multi-stakeholder engagement, intra-national, cross-sectoral, as well as cross-border cooperation.
*This report is confidential. Details from it will be included in the final report.